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Writer's pictureSonya Curtis-Tshuma

Beauty's Shadow

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is deceitful, beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (nkjv)

shadows depend

like beauty depends

on the light and the object

on which it is cast

and when i am cast in the light

of waists the size of magazine covers,

it’s funny how my waist expands,

how the images in my mirror

change so suddenly

in the moon light of nights

of only imagined conversations,

of responses to the lines of scripts,

my beauty fades and thins

and i am surprised to see anything

of a reflection in the morning

and in the light of

“let’s just be friends”,

the light of blurred tears,

again my beauty morphs

into solid shapes,

nothing distinct,

nothing irreplaceable

in the light of solitude,

of chronic nights of no one

knocking at my door,

or a history of last dates

disguised as first,

my beauty wrinkles faster

than my wishes can catch up with

these lights,

they seem so endless

and i tire of lights

laying me on the ground

casting me in images

that may or may not be pleasing,

tired of being labeled

someone’s opposite

someone’s physical insecurity

someone’s exotica

someone’s urban

someone’s plain

someone’s model

so i’ll no longer lay down

for lights that create borders

by showing only my outline

and filling me with darkness

sonya curtis-tshuma

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